Friday, January 27, 2012

Quilting Crack

I want to quilt. Really bad. All I need is 20 hours of uninterrupted time and a shit ton of space. I envision that happening sometime in 2102.
There are some places I can go and pay to use the Long Arm Quilting machines. But that requires a financial commitment that I am not invested in. Let me rephrase that, I am not invested in the places that offer those services. Is it wrong that I base that level of disinterest in the hair styles of the people who work there?
There are some other options, but until they start to come together, I will have to settle for making these in my head...

This particular beauty has to be looked at closely...

It is a f'ing street map. What. The. Douce?! Can you imagine this with your city? The place you went for your honeymoon? Put a Red Star on your home??!! Damn. I could go crazy making these.


This is just the cutest wedding idea ever.

Imagine this as a gift? I would love it. I am in two weddings this summer and would LOVE to make these for them!


I love that this one looks almost silky. No borders and, from the looks of it, no machine quilting.

Project with vintage sheets? Maybe yarn knots every so often like my grandmothers' quilts? Simple.


Grey Pink Yellow...

Yes Please.


But I can Crochet...

Seems like this could be a interesting project. Do a thin, simple white quilt and sew on some crochet pieces to make a design? Give me an hour...


Maybe instead of starting with the queen size one I have waiting for me in the studio, I could just do a simple, small one. Lesson learning.

Ok, I need to get back to this crazy ass movie I am half watching.
Crack time over.


  1. Your enthusiasm alone wears me out. But if you do get on the whole quilt thing, I'll take one (or six).

  2. These are awesome. I LOVE that street map quilt!!! So glad I discovered your blog!

    I don't quilt (much--I quilt little things sometimes, just not quilt quilts) but my goal is to make a quilt like that vintage sheet one. I think I could do that. Especially with yarn tufts for extra awesomeness. But I only have about 25 4" x 4" squares saved up, and I think I'll need closer to 1,000. Or something like that. Someday...

    1. I LOVE vintage sheets! I have always wanted to make a quilt with some. But until I have the space, I'll keep dreaming. Or maybe I will just admire yours ;)

  3. Quilts are a big commitment. They are a lot of fun to work on in a group though. Everyone takes a side and works on the hand sewing. It is a great group sewing project. Only question... Who gets the quilt!

    1. Hand sewing?! Pass!!! Maybe a weekend quilt retreat?
